Monday, February 04, 2008

Arrogance and Atheism in Christian service

John 3:30 records the zenith of the Baptist's theology: "He must increase but I must decrease." This sentiment has become a mantle of many ministries. That is, guys like me pack their blackberries with emails, engagements, and writing assignments 'for the glory of Christ'. Yet I cannot help but wonder at others and feel compelled to confess for my own culpability in using this 'mantel' as a cloaked ruse for self-promotion. As I sit here alone in my study at nine p.m. nursing a head-ache from another overstuffed day, it occurs to me that Jesus did not intend for me to live like this. My commitments are not all for the glory of God; my own career advancement also looms on the horizon, as does my ever lurking pride and future social security. Allow me, please, to share a truth, from hypocritical lips: If you have more to get done in your day than can be reasonably accomplished without frustration, pressure, impatience or negligence of prayer, a word of peace, a slowly sipped cup of tea, and a linger kiss, I question whether your agenda was completely constructed by your creator. If I really believed Jesus in Matthew 6, that my reward would be in secret from a doting father, I doubt I would work so hard to appropriate such recognition from so many illegitimate venues. Forgive me for setting such a poor example of a life of balance under the glorious liberation of seeking only the glorification of Christ.


Blogger Jay Greer said...

This is a difficult matter.

Does anyone know of a Christian figure who has embodied a balanced life? I'm looking for an example of someone who's worked hard for the Kingdom without living in a frenzy. I usually find the two opposite ends of the spectrum. On one end, there's the Youth Minister that sends too much time on X-Box or the Senior Pastor who plays golf better than he preaches. On the other end I find a lot of good, spiritual men who accomplish much for the Kingdom while connected to I.V. filled with strong coffee.

Who should we look to as a model?

February 6, 2008 at 7:46 AM  
Blogger Gregory Fish said...

Good word. Great reminder. Happy sabbath!

February 6, 2008 at 4:38 PM  
Blogger Josh said...

I Call it busy-person disease, where you don't usually have free time, and whenever you do have free time you fill it up with something, so you really wish you had more free time, but the next time you try to "make free time" you feel like you should be doing something else, and you worry about that. It is always a constant struggle for those of us in ministry to really live up to Matthew 6... "Do not worry"... when looking at life in the shadow of that type of lifestyle, it makes sense that God would order us to take a sabbath... for our own mental health.

March 3, 2008 at 9:47 AM  

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